Creative lesson 14 - What is the point of anything?

Marina Shemesh
3 min readApr 30, 2021


Week 14: Curves (2020)

5 April, 2020

A friend recently shared a piece that she had translated from Hebrew. The writer, Shmuel Munitz, was wondering if there is any point to sitting down and chatting with his grandmother because she will soon forget what he had told her.

This made me think of all the unread words that I have written and all the unseen photos that I have taken. What is the point of all this DOING if nothing comes out of it?

My creative endeavours often seem to me like a dog chasing his tail. A repeating spiral that ends up nowhere. A constant journey of thousands of steps but with no destination ever reached.

Munitz came to the conclusion that there is indeed value to his visits because the experience itself and the act of kindness itself has meaning. It doesn't matter that his words are soon forgotten. What matters is that in that specific moment of time he is visiting his grandmother and telling her about his life.

I think that it goes much deeper than that though. Munitz's grandmother wasn't the only person involved in these visits. Munitz himself was there too. I have never met him but I am sure that these unremembered visits to his grandmother has helped to shape him into a kind and thoughtful person.

I don't think we realize how our actions influence and constantly change us.

Gutenberg's printing press didn't just provide people with cheaper books; it also turned them into readers. People could finally read and interpret the Bible for themselves. Not only could illiterate people could afford to learn to read, but their minds were transformed as well.

By the messages of the printed words and because their brains had to physically create brand new neural networks for all these reading activities. The long form medium of books has turned the readers into people who can understand and interpret long form ideas.

Binge-ing on podcasts and Netflix series may be a bit of a waste of time but it also shows that viewers and listeners have no problem with concentrating for long periods of time. (With a quick bathroom break sometimes) 😊

As a student I remember being physically exhausted after a double class lecture. I was just sitting quietly on my bum throughout the class but needed a rest afterwards. Now I enjoy listening to podcasts that are often more than two hours long. Often while doing something physical such as walking or cleaning the house. The entire experience is invigorating - no rest needed afterwards!

Maybe we should not worry so much about the result, or the goal of anything that we do. Maybe we should pay more attention to what we are doing.

I often feel that I spiral between home and work. Between one do-list and another, to and through with no end in sight. Creating art that will never be hung in a gallery or learning things that will never make me a bunch of money.

But when I stop for a second and think about it I realize that all those activities are making me into the person that I am.

The person who enjoys meeting curiously odd new people, who shares funny moments with her family and has soul searching chats with friends.

I get to explore my creativity and corral my thoughts into words.

I get to raise my daughters and watch them become adults and I get to grow old with my husband.

All those little 'pointless' moments are the molecules of my life and have shaped me into the person that I am today.

Come and join us at You will not only become more consistent with your photography but will definitely turn into a more creative person!

